App contains latest Telugu GK notes, MCQs, Mock Test etc in Telugu language.
App also contains various previous year question.
Offline app, no need of internet connection.
App will help a lot in following exam
- TSPSC & APPSC: Group-1, Group-2, Group-4, VRO, VRA, panchayat secretary, RRB, DSC, SI, Constables,Panchayat Secretary, Bank jobs & other exams
* Telugu GK Notes
* Telugu GK MCQs
* Previous year paper
* Mock Test
* Speed Test
* Graphical User Interface of result
* Offline Application so does not require internet connection,
* Set Bookmark in GK notes
* Choose text size for better readability
* Easy Graphical User Interface ,
* All Content provided in Telugu language so easy to read and understand.